Friday 25 May 2012

An Honest Beginning

Hey guys.
My first ever blog, my humble beginning. Like my name says, I'm gonna be posting everything that pops up in my head, of every genre... crazy,funny,inspiring,consoling and even philosophical stuff that I hope would at least make you think for a second about it.. Since this is my first ever blog, I'm keeping this a bit short..I promise to give you a better read on my next blog!

EVENTS. And I'm not talking about the Olympic Games or Euro 12. Simply the events that take place every day,every second of our lives. They happen whether we want them to or not. They happen whether they're meant to or not. They happen irrespective of the situation or the requirements. They happen, just cause they're meant to happen. Whether that's what you wanted to happen or not at the moment becomes impertinent. Events happen. They can be good. They can be bad. But regardless of nature of outcome, they make us see one thing, crystal clear. What we can do to get to the next level or what must be done to seek state plainly, What's next.

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