Saturday 16 June 2012

Crazy Catastrophes..or Creativity maybe?

I usually get all my craziest ideas while staring at the ceiling while lying on my bed. (Trust me, I thought of this post the same way :P)Most of em' are real, real crazy. If you ask me what that is, "I wonder how it would feel if could jump off the Empire State Building sitting on a chair and save myself by jumping off the chair at the last second.. I should try it sometime.."
   This could pretty much answer that question.
Crazy ideas are simply the beginning of any ground-breaking discovery or your free ticket to the closest Mental Institution..they could simply start from being visionary to downright stupid and anything in between!
Crazy ideas may have seemed crazy at first, but they may be the first stepping stone to creating something that would not have been even merely conceived by the greatest minds on the planet.. Who knows how many people would have felt sorry for Edison who was obsessed with his idea of the light bulb or who would have offered him a free ride to his physician. (Reality Check: Were cars invented during the time of Edison or not? :P) I used to fight with myself debating whether an idea was crazy or not, "Dude, you gotta be kidding me. 'Helicopters with Ceiling-Fan blades powered by a car battery' doesn't sound like a good idea to me." *Tell me about it! :P* Okay, there's no debate on that idea but that was just an example on how things may just sound so impossible in the beginning...but as you work on your idea, you'll find that it could just be worth  the hard work (or maybe a huge waste of time, depends on the level of craziness of the idea.) So what I'm trying to say is, if you get an idea and you think it's totally crazy...then maybe that's the one you should work on. :) never know, it just might be your VIP pass to Greatness. :)

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